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Конкурс "Допиши рассказ"
Dreams sometimes come true
Misha Oleynikov. 6 класс. Dreams sometimes come true. LOW.
Snowy is a little polar bear cub. He lives in the northern Arctic with his family. Mummy bear, Daddy bear and Snowy can see ice and snow everywhere every day. They like swimming from ice floe to ice floe and digging holes in snow banks.
One day Snowy says, "I'm tired of this ice and snow. I'm going to live where I can see something quite different."
"But your home is here! Look! The snowflakes are dancing in the air! They are so beautiful! Listen to the snow! It's humming a very funny song, "scoosh-scoosh, scoosh-scoosh", his mother tells him.
"Nothing can stop me", answers Snowy. "I'm packing my things and ...
I am going to look for a place where I’d like to live.”
He was going on and on, and at last Snowy came to the end of the Earth.
But there again was only snow and ice. Suddenly an awful snow storm began. The whirlwind rose the bear and whirled in the sky.
When Snowy opened his eyes and saw White Magician in front of himself. First he was afraid but then Snowy was glad. He understood that the magician could fulfill his great wish.
White Magician asked:” Where would you like to get?” Snowy answered:” I’d like to get somewhere, where there is a lot of sunshine and warmth.”
The magician said:” Then I will turn you into a panda and send you to a beautiful country China .
But if you want to return home, say five magic words:” I want to go home.” And at the same moment Snowy found himself in China being a little panda.
He was enjoying his new life for a day, for a week, two weeks…
He swam a lot, lay in the sun and ate a lot of tasty fruit but suddenly Snowy felt that he was missing his family and his motherland.
He was eager to see them again and forever and in a minute Snowy was at home.
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