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Saving the Arctic with Snowman
Бахтинова Дарья Андреевна. 11 лет. Saving the Arctic with Snowman. HIGH
Before I took part in the Expedition through the Arctic, I had lived by a schedule. In the Arctic you lose sense of time. Having 24 hours of sunlight we could start our hiking at what we thought was 3 PM but it was actually 3 AM.
Our entire being was focused on one thing: survival. That day or night (I can’t say for sure) I was on polar bear watch while the others were sleeping. I didn’t have to fall asleep so I looked outside for some fresh air and came face to face with a ...
… Snowman.
I was astonished but not scared at all.
I asked Snowman if he is real.
He simply nodded his head.
I then asked him if he speaks any English.
He replied enthusiastically, “Sure. How come you speak English so well?”I then explained him that I had attended “English and I” courses before we finally made it to the northern Arctic. I also asked if he has seen any polar bears around today. Guess what he replied to me?
Snowman said, “All the bears were frightened away by me. I want you and your friends to stay safe. So you don’t need to worry, eh… Do I know your name?”
I quickly replied, “I’m Dasha. And I am so grateful you have been doing this for us. I am sure my friends will appreciate this too. Do you have a name?”
He answered, “Not really. I’m all alone here. This is the first time I have met someone in the Arctic…”
I asked if I can call him Snowman. He had no problem with that.
I then recalled that my parents have always taught me to offer help if somebody treats you well. I asked Snowman, “What can we do for you? How can we help you?”
He said he doesn’t need anything for himself. I got the point. It’s “himself” what made me thinking. He wanted to ask for some help, but this probably had nothing to do with himself.
I asked, “Be frank with me. We are here to help you. Could you please tell me your problem?”
He responded, “Ok. You surprised me, Dasha. I didn’t know that you, humans, can be so kind and attentive.
I thought you can just pollute the world…The Arctic is the recipient of contaminants whose sources are thousands of miles away. Could you do me a favour? Could you please ask people to reduce the pollution to improve life of Arctic inhabitants?”
He finished talking and disappeared.
I told my friends what happened. We decided that we will do our best to help him and the Arctic. We agreed to ask people around the world to make every effort to cut pollution and help protect our environment.
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