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The unusual meeting
Григорьева Мария Александровна. 10 лет. The unusual meeting. HIGH.
Before I took part in the Expedition through the Arctic, I had lived by a schedule. In the Arctic you lose sense of time. Having 24 hours of sunlight we could start our hiking at what we thought was 3 PM but it was actually 3 AM.
Our entire being was focused on one thing: survival. That day or night (I can’t say for sure) I was on polar bear watch while the others were sleeping. I didn’t have to fall asleep so I looked outside for some fresh air and came face to face with a ...
a polar bear.
What a great impression I had! The bear was very big. Its beautiful white hide was bushy and brilliant.
Only its nose was black. It went through our territory very slowly.
It looked for something to eat. The bear wasn’t afraid of my person.
Its appearance told me about its calmness. I watched the bear till it went far away.
Then I came back in the room and told my friends about my meeting with the bear.
They listened to my story with a great interest.
This recollection I’ll bring through all my life.
When I tell about severe beauty of the North and its inhabitants,
I’ll always remember about my meeting with the bear.
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